Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A momentous day

Aug 16th was a momentous day.
The previous day was the day of India's independence from the British. 16th was an equally big day when Indians decided to protest, in a remarkable non-violent fashion, against the Government's unwillingness to tackle corruption.

Guess what, "Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha" - is something we have heard before, Gandhiji's non-violent Satyagraha - we have studied about in our text books, but something equally magnificent started unfolding.
The protestors assembled in huge numbers, the Government tried to stare them down, imprison their marquee leader (Anna Hazare)... but no the protestors held on tight to Ahimsa. and ... yes the Police got the jitters as did the Government, much like the British in the previous millenium.

Guruji (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji) had said in as many words many years ago about : The aggression of non-violence - I got to witness today. Yes, several (hundreds) Art of Living volunteers stepped forward and courted arrest. I am very proud of them as are so many others.

What a contrast to the mobs of rioters in England looting and destroying public and private property, or a misguided youth mowing down several people in Norway, here in India there were thousands upon thousands of youths - (perhaps unknowingly) - adhering to the principle of non-violent and peaceful protests. I am sure this will bear fruit! Like Guruji said: From Satyam Param Dhimahi, Satyam eva Jayate will happen naturally,

Exciting times ahead...

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