Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Conflict Resolution: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Naxals a.k.a DIALOGUE IN ACTION!

The current headline grabber in the newspapers is Naxalism and the Government of India's response to the crisis. It is interesting to see people of different hues taking position and talking and talking and talking....

-  Some would justify the Naxals violence. They would  point out how the corruption and uncaring attitude of Government officials was the reason for Naxalism and use this to justify their violence as a reasonable means of protest
- Others would justify the Governments plan to fight the Naxals
- Others would support the Governments gesture to the Naxals to get into a dialogue and renounce violence
... and keep talking and talking and talking

Lets see what Guruji has to say on this:
HE has said that
- the 'naxal' youths are good and committed people, just disillusioned by the corruption, apathy / non responsiveness from those in power. They are not to be treated  as outcasts, rather  they need some love and tender care.

- HE is willing to take up their cause with the people in Government if they give up their violent means and has urged the public to also support them in their efforts to join the mainstream 
Click here to watch Guruji speak:

Lets see what HE has done..

- HE has convinced several Naxal leaders to participate in the electoral process.
Click to read an article in the Wall Street Journal  and   Another article from The Times of India

- HE has inspired Naxal leaders to lay down their arms and change their approach.

-  Transformed youths who have either received training from Naxalites or  been at the receiving end from the Naxals/Govt (caught in the crossfire), who have resolved to bring about a transformation in the society. Not only have they overcome their personal losses, they have been inspired to  build schools, wells and water pumps,  provide health care facilities and teach meditation!!    Click to read OR Click to watch

I don' t understand these politicians who go on talking about using military force. If  you are really serious about making a difference and want to use force, why not  use the GREATEST FORCE  (love, spirituality)  instead of settling for some small guns and puny bombs!

1 comment:

bharathy said...

Am glad and inspired to see that guns are small and bombs are puny!! Especially now when weapons and destruction seem to be the recognised as high power and greatest security or threat, it is refreshing to even come across a point of view that is "puts them in their place". It is a relief actually.