A close friend of mine after reading my earlier Post exclaimed.."SO WHAT? WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT A CATERPILLAR TURNING TO A BUTTERFLY, IT'S NATURAL!! How is that related to your Art of Living and your Guru?"
I could see that 'Nature' did not hold any great magic for my friend. I thought about this a bit and the following came up:
I asked him, " Have you heard of this phrase: Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya?" ( a line from an ancient prayer in Sanskrit ).
He: "Of course, it was part of a prayer I used to recite in school. It literally means - Lead me from Darkness into Light."
I: " What does it mean to you?"
He: (after a little thought): " It is like asking a bigger power to show me the right way. This world is anyways full of negativity (darkness), therefore please bless me with some brightness in my life"
I (reminded of an email i had read earlier) : " Does darkness have an independent existence?"
He: " What?"
I: " I mean, can you make something more dark, can you add darkness to an existing darkness?"
He: " What do you mean? I don't get what you are saying."
I:" Darkness is not a physical substance. It is just the absence of light. Right?
He (slowly): "Y..e...s"
I: "When you extinguish the light then what you get is darkness and not the other way round."
He: " Yes. Of course. That is known to any child. But what are you getting at?"
I: "To me, the prayer means, help me get over the darkness within me (Tamas) and realise the (Jyoti)/Light that is within me, the Light that I am. Thus what the Prayer is hinting at is that You are the light."
He: ""hmmm"
I: " Nature doesn't just leave it at abstract prayers, it shows this truth to us practically when the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. You see and realise that within every caterpillar is a beautiful butterfly!"
To take it one step further Sri Sri says (not verbatim) " Everyone is inherently good. If someone does something 'bad', it is because of stress".
Thus this prayer could also mean - Please help me get rid of the stress in me... and thats what The Art of Living does - Breathe out the stress and know that you are the Light.
The biggest secret however is that this is just the beginning.... To know more you have to ask Dadasaheb Khatar, a farmer in Maharashtra....
More on this later...
Make your devotion - intense
14 hours ago
Really nice post ! Jgd.
Hey Harish,
Liked your blog. But what is the biggest secret? How is Dadasaheb in Maharashtra?
Come on, tell me more.
Its good to know that light is inside me and all that kind of stuff, but how does it translate into outer expression? How can I, as an individual, become a better human being, contribute in a constructive manner to society and grow at the same time?
I met somebody from the Art of Living in Bombay and she was talking to me about the Dharavi slum project. What i gathered from the conversation was this:
in the largest slum in Asia, AOL has been working for transformation. De-addiction camps,employment oppurutnities, the first english medium fre school in the slum, education....thats great. What struck me was that every individual has grown in the process - the person getting relief and the person providing it. My friend was so charged up, she just couldn't stop talking about the project.
Thats what i find intriguing, boundless energy to serve and truly making a difference.
how does it happen?
Gurudev's (Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji) vision is one world family... but what to do when in your own family, there is a lot of strife, tension, jealousy, etc, and it seems as if things will never be alright... How do i handle this?
All families/nations have some problem or the other, and typically while you
are in the problem, its going to feel as if its been there forever... and will go on forever... but remember circumstances and people do
change over time, and something that you thought was a big problem may be trivial over time... and may even teach you new skills, and bring out new talents in you...
Practicing Art of Living techniques and Knowledge doesnt eliminate problems from our lives, it simply gives us efficient ways to cope with them... We, through our actions (which are now much more dynamic and effective) manage to handle the problems in our lives... of course Guruji's Grace does bring us that unseen, unfelt good luck and great timing... but thats another story :)
So Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam or a One World Family is possible, and we can all make it happen, even if there are problems in our own family... we just need to expand the definition of family/nation/nationality :)... and in my personal experience i have seen, when i take on bigger challenges, bigger problems, then the ones i have pale into insignificance and almost
manage to solve themselves :)
Jai Gurudev...really nice post...
Amazing. Really i liked the post.
Harish Bhaiyya please post some guru stories , ur experiences in ur advance courses ,etc....keen to hear from u........
Jai Gurudev
An excellent posting which will inspire many youngsters.Would like to share it through our LightHouse E-Magazine.
With love and regards
Mani Gopalakrishnan
Could I request you to write more?
Jai Guru Dev.
Tell us the big secret..pls..
So When!!...
... is your next post?! :)
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